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About us

The BetExplorer.com URL speaks for itself. Before placing a bet, bettors come to find information helping them select the best decision. Betting operators can reach more than 450,000 real unique people a month.


Traffic at BetExplorer.com averages more than 1,900,000 visits/sessions and makes nearly 19,000,000 page impressions per month (source: Google Analytics, 2014). Majority of visitors come from across Europe, while the rest around 30 % visits are made mainly by Asia and the US.

Our offer

We provide sportsbooks/bookmakers with wide variety of options to advertise on BetExplorer.com. Major spots we sell are 120x300 under left hand navigation, 728x90 over the top of site and finally 120x600 (skyscraper) on right side from content. If you're interested in reaching over 230,000 bettors a months, please contact us.